2,美国化学学会的在线投稿系统已经从2022年开始升级,将由原来的ACS Paragon系统升级到ACS Paragon Plus系统。详情见:http://pubs.acs.org/paragonplus/splash/index.html 3,目前,只有《Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation》在使用ACS Paragon Plus系统,其它期刊仍使用ACS Paragon系统,地址为:https://paragon.acs.org/paragon/index.jsp 第二步:使用在线投稿系统
4,投稿完成以后,系统会发一封确认信到你的邮箱。5,如果你上传的稿件和cover letter 是word格式,投稿系统会自动将它转换为pdf格式。6,投稿结束前,系统会提醒你在核查一次。
1,投稿结束后,系统会发送确认信到你的邮箱,并给你的稿件编号,比如《INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH》期刊的编号是iexxxxxxx,前2位表示期刊,后7位为文章编号。
5,另外,编辑部还会要求你填写一份copyright form并传真给指定的编辑。此表格可以从投稿系统的网站上下载,有2种格式,大家最好使用交互式的文件格式,添好后打印出来签字,可以传真,也可以使用电子邮件发送给编辑。
6,参考邮件(全是我的真实邮件,略去了文章编号,编辑的联系方式和一些个人信息): 邮件标题:Manuscript ieXXXXXXX assignment 正文:
Dear Dr.XX: Your manuscript ieXXXXXXX, entitled “XXXX”, has been assigned to the following Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Editor: XX Email: XX Mailing Address: I&EC Research, Dept.of Chemical Engr.Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Avenue, DH2208E Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA Fax: 1-412-268-8694 PLEASE ADDRESS ALL FUTURE CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS MANUSCRIPT TO THE ABOVE EDITOR.In our instructions for Web submissions, we ask that you include in your cover letter names and complete addresses of several individuals who would be qualified to review your manuscript.Please send these by e-mail to the editor at the above address as soon as possible so that we can begin processing your manuscript.IMPORTANT NOTE: Please fax your completed and signed copyright form to the editor at the above fax number immediately.The form can be found on the web at: https://paragon.acs.org/paragon/ShowDocServlet?contentId=paragon/menu_content/authorchecklist/copyright.pdf.If you have hardcopy supporting information or permissions correspondence or forms(http://pubs.acs.org/instruct/permform.pdf), please mail or fax these along with your copyright form to the editor's office.Submission of a manuscript to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research implies that the work reported therein has not received prior publication and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere in any medium, including electronic journals and computer databases of a public nature.This manuscript is being considered with the understanding that it is submitted on an exclusive basis.If otherwise, please advise.补充:
1,cover letter的写作:在线投稿的时候需要提交一次,第一次和编辑联系的时候(也就是向编辑提交copyright form的时候),可以直接写在正文里。具体内容,小木虫上已经有很多模版了,写起来也很方便。我本人就是借用了一个模版自己改写了的。
2,常常要登录自己的投稿系统,追踪文章状态。投稿刚结束后,Submitted to Editorial Office下No Action Required模块中的Number为文章编号,Journal为投稿期刊,Title为稿件名称,Submission Date为投稿日期。但是,Editor和Revision为空。等到文章被指定编辑后,Editor下就会显示编辑的姓名。Revision表示需要修改,是第一次修改,显示为1,是第二次修改,则显示2。投完修改稿以后,会发现Number,Journal,Title,Editor显示到Revisions Required by Editorial Office模块下,Requested Date为提出修改的日期。
1,国外文章都是通过电子邮件送审,通常都比较快。但是如果你没有指定审稿人的话,可能稿件处理的要慢一些,因为编辑未必熟悉你的这个领域,由编辑自己选择审稿人,可能在这个过程中,有的审稿人提出不能审稿,于是又要更换审稿人,从而延长了稿件处理周期。2,参考邮件: 我写给编辑的信:
邮件主题:Is my manuscript ieXXXXXXX under processing? 正文:
Dear Professor XX Thank you very much for your attention to my letter.I'm a PhD student of XX, I have submitted a manuscript ieXXXXXXX, entitled “XX” on August 15 2022 on the web at https://paragon.acs.org.Because I submit my manuscript to IE&C for the first time, so I can not offer individuals who would be qualified to review my manuscript.There are two months so far, I want to know whether my manuscript is under reviewing.If my manuscript isn't sent to any reviewer because I do not offer reviewers, I will send names and complete addresses of several individuals who would be qualified to review my manuscript to you immediately.Thank you very much for your considering my manuscript.I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best wishes.对方的回信: Dear Dr.XX, We sent your manuscript, ieXXXXXXX, out for review on August 29, 2022.Despite reminder letters, we still have not received a response from the reviewers.If you know of other qualified reviewers, please send us their names and email addresses.Thank you.3,从回信中可看出,即使我没有提供审稿人,对方还是比较及时地将稿件送审了,而且对方也催了审稿人。我后来也就没有再推荐审稿人了,不过这次审稿时间有点长,如果大家有合适的审稿人,还是自己推荐的好,我是找不到合适的审稿人才没有推荐的。4,与编辑之间的联系,都不是编辑本人回复的,全是编辑的助手在代劳。第五步:修改稿件并使用在线投稿系统投出
邮件主题:Revision Requested for ieXXXXXXX 正文:
December 5, 2022 Dear Dr.XX: We are requesting that you revise your manuscript.When submitting your revised manuscript, please include in the file with the cover letter an itemized list of changes to your manuscript, along with a response to the reviewers' comments.Please make the changes requested on the Copy Revision Form.TO REVISE YOUR MANUSCRIPT ON THE WEB:------NOTE: Please submit your revision using your Paragon home page.1.Log on to your Paragon home page at http://paragon.acs.org.2.Scroll to the section titled: 'Revisions required by Editorial Office.'-Click on the manuscript number* to submit a revision.3.Follow the directions in Paragon to complete the submission of your revision.3,修改稿件时,要对审稿人的每条意见进行回复。
3,发送录用通知的邮件是由编辑亲自写的,不是助手代劳了,信中会告诉你一些注意事项。4,登录在线投稿系统,Number,Journal,Title,Editor会显示到In Production下的No Action Required模块中,Proj.Issue为预期出版期数,Target Date预期出版日期。5,此时,只需要等待出版社通知你校稿了,与编辑的联系已经结束,你可以写份感谢信。6,参考邮件:
邮件主题:Final status notification for manuscript ieXXXXXXX 正文:
Dear Dr.XX: We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript entitled “XX”(manuscript ID ieXXXXXXX)has been accepted for publication in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.Your manuscript has been forwarded to the ACS Publications office.You will be contacted in the near future by the ACS Journal Publishing Staff regarding the page proofs for your manuscript.Your paper will be published on the Web approximately 48 hours after you approve your page proofs.In view of this fast publication time it is important to review your page proofs carefully.Once a manuscript appears on the web it is published.Any change after that point must be considered additions / corrections.第七步:文章校稿
邮件主题: Galley proof of ieXXXXXXX available for review 正文:
Dear Li Jun: The proof of your paper, manuscript number ieXXXXXXX, entitled XX is now available electronically for your review and approval at the following URL: http://pubs.acs.org/galleys/egalley.html At this URL you will be prompted to enter: Manuscript number: ieXXXXXXX Security Key: XXXXXX You will then go to a site where you will be able to view and download PDF files containing: 1.Instructions for review and submission of corrections/approval for your paper.2.A Reprint Order Form.3.The proof of your paper as it will appear in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.4.The text of your accepted manuscript with all editing changes indicated.5.Information regarding the distribution of 50 free electronic reprints of your paper during the first year following online publication in the Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Web Edition, and unlimited electronic reprints after year one.Thank you for publishing in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.第八步:文章出版
邮件主题: Web access to I&ECR 正文:
Dear Dr.XX: In case you have not seen it, your paper has been published in Number X, Volume XX of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.On behalf of my colleagues, I want to thank you for this contribution to our journal.As a courtesy, we have arranged for you to have access to the web edition of the issue in which your article appears in case you or your organization are not subscribers.You may see this issue by contacting the URL http://.xiexiebang.com/iecr, clicking on an article in the Index, and entering the code when prompted.Your code for both User-ID and Password is XXXXXXX.You may forward this information to your co-authors to give them access also.You may use this web site to learn more about our journal including how to subscribe.Again, thanks for your contribution.到此为止,文章就算发表了,记得给编辑写封感谢信。
New: Supplmentary Material: Authors are encouraged to provide additional information as supplementary material that will be accessible online.Please identify the supplementary material as such in the manuscript.Submission of Manuscripts Please submit your manuscript online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/plabio(Plant Biology no longer accepts submissions made by post or e-mail).To submit a manuscript through ScholarOne Manuscripts, please follow these instructions:
1.If you do not yet have an account, click on 'Create Account'.You will then be sent a password by e-mail.If you already have an account, enter your user ID and password and click on 'Log In'.(Note: if necessary you can change your password under 'Edit My Account'.)2.On the welcome page, click on 'Corresponding Author Center'.3.You then reach the 'Author Center Dashboard', click on the star icon for manuscript submission.4.Follow the steps 1-7 until manuscript submission is completed.The main document including title, abstract, key words(MS Word file), tables(MS Word files)and figures(*.eps, *.tif or *.jpg files)are loaded onto the system as individual files.The text should be written double spaced and with line numbering.(Note: you may also interrupt the online submission and continue at a later time.)Authors are encouraged to provide additional information as Supporting Information that will be accessible online.5.Fast-Track Publication: Plant Biology offers special handling of manuscripts that have been rejected from very high-level journals.Authors are encouraged to enclose the original manuscript, the reviews plus the comments from the editor, and the revised manuscript of previously reviewed manuscripts to expedite their handling as your manuscript may be accepted based on the previous reviews.Please also include a letter with a point by point response to the concerns raised by the reviewer(s).You will receive a final decision from the Managing Editor within a few days of submitting manuscripts with reviews.6.Authors should address the following points in their cover letter.1.What are the aims and hypothesis of their paper?;2.What new achievements or innovations do they present?;3.What is the general significance of their paper and why is it timely? 7.Submission of your manuscript will be confirmed by an e-mail that will give you the 'Manuscript ID Number'.Please refer to this number in all correspondence with the editorial office.Should you encounter difficulties submitting a manuscript to ScholarOne Manuscripts, please contact the editorial office by e-mail at annette.schlierenkamp@ctp.uni-freiburg.de or by telephone 49(0)761/203-8300.Help is also available on the introductory page of ScholarOne Manuscripts in the form of an 'Online User’s Guide'.To access the guide, click on 'Get Help Now' in the top right-hand corner.Online production tracking is now available for your article through Wiley-Blackwell's Author Services Author Services enables authors to track their articlethrough the production process to publication online and in print.Authors can check the status of their articles online and choose to receive automated e-mails at key stages of production.The author will receive an e-mail with a unique link that enables them to register and have their article automatically added to the system.Please ensure that a complete e-mail address is provided when submitting the manuscript.Visit http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/ for more details on online production tracking and for a wealth of resources including FAQs and tips on article preparation, submission and more.Conditions for Publication
Please note that Word 2022 is not yet compatible with journal production systems.Unfortunately, the journal cannot accept Microsoft Word 2022 documents until such time as a stable production version is released.Please use Word's 'Save As' option therefore to save your document as an older(.doc)file type.Research papers may be submitted that have not been published previously, even as a summary.Concise presentation is required.Although the non-specialist reader should be kept in mind when abstracts, introductions and discussions are written, lengthy review type introductions and speculative discussions should be avoided.Experimental methods should be explained in detail except for standard procedures.Diffuse and repetitive style should be avoided.Illustrations and tables should be limited to the truly essential material.Plant Biology preferentially publishes short research papers(five printed pages maximum)that will be reviewed with high priority.Concise review articles that synthesize the state of the art in an original way are highly desirable for this journal.Acute views contributions should contain brief comments on an actual problem.New: Pre-submission English-language editing Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscripts professionally edited before submission to improve the English.A list of independent suppliers of editing services can be found at.The web address for the form is http://.xiexiebang.com/pdf/PLB_CWAF.pdf.References
The list of references must include all(but no additional)references quoted.Arrange references alphabetically according to author name, not chronologically.The name of the journals containing the cited papers should be given in full.Each article reference should be given as in the following example:
Alfano, J.R.and Collmer, A.(2022)Type III secretion system effector proteins: double agents in bacterial disease and plant defence.Annual Review Phytopathology.42, 385–414 Books or other non-serial publications which are quoted in the references must be cited as follows: Han, J.and Kamber, M.(2022)Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 1st edn.Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco.Platt T., Sathyendranath S.(1995)Latitude as a primary factor in the calculation of primary production.In: H.R.Skoldahl, C.Hopkins, K.E.Erikstad & H.P.Leinaas(Eds).Ecology of Fjords and Coastal Waters.Elsevier, Amsterdam: 3-25.Articles not yet published may only be cited if they have definitely been accepted for publication.They must be denoted by the expression 'in press'.We recommend the use of a tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting.Units
Plant Biology will follow the system of SI units(Systeme International d'Unites).Within a given paper chosen units must be uniform.Abbreviation
Note that common abbreviations can be used without explanation.Others must be explained.In case of doubt always give an explanation.Use FW = fresh weight and DW = dry weight.Scientific Names
Scientific names should be cited in their complete form when first mentioned with genusauthority-cultivar(cv.)or subspecies(ssp.)where appropriate.Latin names should be underlined or typed in italics.Subsequently the generic names should be abbreviated, but avoid confusion: e.g.use A.comosus if the only genus with a first fetter A in your paper is Ananas;but use unambiguous abbreviations if you have more than one genus with the same first letter, e.g.Ananas comosus, Aechmea nudicaulis = A.comosus, Ae.nudicaulis, etc.Common names of organisms must be accompanied by the correct scientific name when first mentioned.For rare or exotic genera it may be useful to give the name of the family and/or higher taxon in brackets when first mentioned.Copyright Authors will be required to assign copyright of their paper to the German Botanical Society, Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands and Blackwell Publishing.Copyright assignment is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless copyright has been assigned.(Papers subject to government or Crown copyright should tick box 3 on the form).Download the Copyright Assignment Form here.The publishers will not refuse any reasonable request by authors for permission to reproduce their contributions to the journal.Reprints A PDF offprint of the online published article will be provided free of charge to the corresponding author, and may be distributed subject to the Publisher's terms and conditions.The corresponding author will be asked to provide up to seven email addresses for early distribution of a PDF offprint by the publisher.Paper offprints of the printed published article may be purchased if ordered via the method stipulated on the instructions that will accompany the proofs.Printed offprints are posted to the correspondence address given for the paper unless a different address is specified when ordered.Note that it is not uncommon for the printed offprints to take up to 8 weeks to arrive after publication of the journal.For further information please contact C.O.S.Printers PTe Ltd, 9 Kian Teck Crescent, Singapore 628875;Fax: 65 6265 9074;E-mail: offprint@cosprinters.com.Author material archive policy
Please note that unless specifically requested, the Publisher will dispose of all hardcopy or electronic material submitted 2 months after publication.If you require the return of any material submitted, please inform the editorial office or production editor as soon as possible after the final decision about publication.
(2022-09-05 23:12:37)转载 标签: 分类:技术
§1.1 投稿的方式
投稿主要有三种方式:纸质投稿、EMAIL投稿和网上投稿。纸质投稿一般需要将稿件打印几份,邮寄给期刊编辑部,有的期刊还要求需要论文的软盘或光盘;EMAIL投稿就是将论文以附件形式发给编辑;网上投稿就是期刊有网上投稿系统,将论文在网上提交。一般国内期刊要求纸质投稿的比较多,而且还有一些国内期刊在纸质投稿后,同时还要将稿件EMAIL给编辑,国外期刊也有要求纸质投稿的,但似乎越来越少,毕竟航空信件来往费时费钱,所以逐渐被网上投稿所取代。EMAIL投稿国内国外期刊都有,但考虑到网络安全和技术的发展,EMAIL投稿也会逐渐被网上投稿所取代。网上投稿是国外期刊所采用的主要形式,有直观、迅速和方便的特点,但在网上投稿前需要在网站注册一大堆信息,第一次使用网上投稿会感到麻烦,但可以将你第一次注册的信息保存到WORD文件,以后再网上投稿时大部分信息复制粘贴就可以了,一定要记住注册的帐户名和密码,否则耽误你的投稿计划哦。纸质投稿的期刊国内比如有《微电子学报》、《上海交通大学学报》,国外的没遇到过,有知道的请告诉我。EMAIL投稿的期刊国内比如有《微细加工技术》,国外期刊比如有“IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS”。网上投稿的期刊国内还比较少,如《半导体学报》、《物理学报》、《中国物理》等一些比较有影响的期刊,国外就比较多了,这里就不举例了。国内邮寄纸质文章用什么方式寄好呢?我以前用平信邮过的,没丢过,挂号和EMS当然安全迅速了,不在乎费用可以挂号和EMS的。
§1.2 如何投稿
有很多水友问自己该如何投稿,其实大概是这些水友第一次投稿吧?如何投稿主要从四个方面来着想:一是稿件内容和质量;二是找到适合的期刊;三是熟悉投稿要求和流程;四是经验的积累。稿件的内容自然和你研究方向有关了,这个不能去强求改变,但与稿件质量相关联的似乎分为好几种,比如研究方向冷与热、实验结果成与败、文章表达优与劣、图形处理好与坏,当中有些我们还是可有作为的,这在以后如何写好论文中进行阐述。首先要根据自己的文章进行自我评价,或者请导师或别人评价,也可以将自己的文章和与文章相关的文献进行对比,看自己文章质量怎样,然后再决定适合投哪个期刊。有的受影响因子影响,不能正确评价自己的文章,好高骛远,喜欢投本研究领域影响因子高的期刊,这当然会导致后来的拒稿,拒稿是件痛苦的事,一是浪费了那么久的时间,二是打击了自信心,投稿热情受挫。在正确评价自己的文章后,那又如何找到合适的期刊去投稿呢?有几个比较好的方法:在自己查找的与文章内容有关的文献中找期刊;在数据库中寻找;询问同院的XDJM。如何寻找期刊介绍,后文将说明。在确定多个适合投稿的同类期刊后,要对这些期刊进行比较甄别,以便确定适合自己最需要的,要比较期刊的审稿周期、期刊知名度(影响因子)、一年出版多少卷、出版速度如何、国内期刊有无审稿费的发票、期刊编辑服务态度,等等。在最终确定一个投稿的期刊后,要熟悉这个期刊的投稿要求和流程,这样少走弯路,尽量避免不必要的麻烦。各个期刊的投稿要求不一样,一定要仔细阅读投稿要求,否则稿件很可能不会被受理的。一个期刊的投稿流程无非是:投稿(submit)、编辑处理稿件(with editor)、审稿(under review)、修改(revise)、结果(accept or reject),但这过程似乎是漫长的,也是问题出现比较多的,需要我们的耐心和信心,也需要我们的智慧去对待和解决这个过程中出现的问题。在多次投稿之后,相信大家都有自己的投稿方式和经验,如果愿意,请多多在交流你的经历,让别人分享你的经验。
§1.3 投稿须知
下面是IEEE Electron Device Letters的投稿须知:
Electron Device Letters
It comprises original and significant contributions relating to the theory, design, performance and reliability of electron devices, including:
optoelectronic devices
nanoscale devices
solid-state devices
integrated electronic devices
energy sources
power devices
electro-mechanical devices
quantum devices
electron tubes
Items are restricted to three pages and appear, on average, two months after acceptance.On-line access is included with EDS membership at ieeexplore.ieee.org.Past issues are now available back through 1980.If you would like to submit a manuscript for possible publication in EDL, please mail it to the EDS Publications Office.For comments, questions and more information on EDL, contact the Editor-in-Chief or the EDS Publications Office.上面英文介绍IEEE Electron Device Letters投稿内容范围,然后是稿件页数(3页),接收稿件后两个月出版,EMAIL投稿。投稿要求出现在“INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS” PDF文件里,更多的信息在“IEEE Guidelines for Authors”里。
(1)SCI一作论文10篇(其中一篇是另一方向的实验论文): 被主编直接说领域不合适,拒稿3次;
初审后被拒4次;(其中有1篇被3个期刊拒3次,最后居然还是被我找到了个“垃圾回收站”存放了;最囧的一次是改投时cover letter居然忘了换期刊名字,被主编责问是否一稿两投,引起了老板对俺的首次发火,被拒算我活该。)初审后大改5次,小改5次;
(1)I can not believe i am in this international joke.(出道处女作,想法太幼稚,行文太垃圾,的确是烂,真烂,遂放弃之)(这个意见该是前无古人,后无来者,时刻提醒俺曾是多么的XX)
(2)This paper just like a monthly report of a student, without enough scientific values.(素材确实有限,凭我这点水平再也塞不进value,也放弃之)。
(1)This is a well conceived paper that presents a model useful in the absence of data.I could quibble about one or two things, but it would not be worth anyone's time.小结:
投稿指南 《中国科学》杂志社
SCIENCE CHINA PRESS 《科学通报》(Chinese Science Bulletin)投稿指南
《科学通报》(Chinese Science Bulletin)是由中国科学院和国家自然科学基金委员会共同主办、《中国科学》杂志社出版的自然科学综合性学术刊物, 致力于快速报道自然科学各学科基础理论和应用研究的最新研究动态、消息、进展,点评研究动态和学科发展趋势, 要求文章短小精悍, 可读性强, 能在比较宽泛的学术领域产生影响.有中英文两种版本, 中文版创刊于1950年, 英文版创刊于1966年.2022年起中英文版均为旬刊, 中文版每月10日、20日、30日(2月最后一天)出版, 英文版每月5日、15日、25日出版.每月出版3期.为提高文章传播速度, 扩大文章传播范围, Chinese Science Bulletin 自2022起年发表的全部文章采取开放存取(Open Access)方式出版, 全球读者可在SpringerLink平台免费下载.《科学通报》英文版Chinese Science Bulletin是SCI核心期刊, 同时被Academic Search Alumni Edition, Aca-demic Search Complete, Academic Search Elite, Academic Search Premier, ASFA, Biological Sciences, Biological Ab-stracts, BIOSIS Previews, CAB Abstracts, Chemical Ab-stracts, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Current Mathematical Publications, Digital Ma-thematics Registry, EMBio, Environmental Engineering Ab-stracts, Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management, Google Scholar, Inspec, Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts, Pollution Abstracts, SCOPUS, Water Resources Abstracts, Zentralblatt MATH, Zoological Record等国际著名 检索系统和数据库收录.根据2022年JCR公布的数据, Chi-nese Science Bulletin的影响因子为1.087, 总引频次为6148.《科学通报》是《中国科技论文与引文数据库》和《中国科学引文数据库》的源期刊, 同时被《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录.根据中国科学技术信息研究所2022年发布的最新数据, 《科学通报》的影响因子为0.746, 总引频次为5938.《科学通报》连续3届荣获国家期刊奖, 连续8届获得“百种中国杰出学术期刊”称号.2022年荣获第二届中国出版政府奖期刊奖.1用稿原则
卷首、百家论坛、作文教学、随笔、心声:xxywjs@163.com 备课室、封面团队、月度人物:xxywjs2@163.com 咬文嚼字、问讯处:xxywjs3@163.com
精品课堂、教师博客、本月话题、辩课、争鸣:xxywjs5@163.com 经典诵读、一得录、案例与点评、读者反馈、书刊邮购:xxywjs6@163.com 博客信息:
《小学语文教师》编辑部博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/xxywjszj 《小学语文教师》编辑朱文君博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/zhwjwj
三、综合学科(含语文、数学)1.《人民教育》,CN11-1199/G4 教学大观,一般适合专家或一线教师亲身实践后带给读者很大启发的实践性文章:yhj3515@sina.com
回声,读《人民教育》某篇文章的读后感,字数一般在600-800字:hujh@edumail.com.cn 2.山西省教育宣传中心http://.xiexiebang.com/blogger/blog_main.asp?BlogID=1989384
投稿邮箱:语文版xiaoxuebanyw@jxyk.com 数学版xiaoxuebansx@jxyk.com
5.优秀课题报告、论文(字数一般在3000-7000,要有关键词)可投《浙江教育科学》 投稿地址:杭州市学院路35号浙江教育综合大楼507室省教科院编辑部 邮编:310012 投稿邮箱:yangqun@zjedusri.com.cn yangqun2022@126.com
7.《教育科学论坛》,CN 51-1696/G4,四川省成都市双流航空港黄荆路11号,邮编610225,邮箱zjkt@vip.163.com。
9.《浙江教育报》教师周刊我有一招、教无定法、炉边闲话、情感:bbsteacher@126.com 《浙江教育报》教师周刊论文版:zjjsiw4@163.com