



       By nature, men are nearly alike;by practice, they get to be wide apart.2、过而不改,是谓过矣。

       Not to mend the fault one has made is to err indeed.3、己所不欲,勿施于人。

       What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.4、言必信,行必果。

       Keep what you say and carry out what you do.5、君子以文会友,以友辅仁。

       The superior man on grounds of culture meets with his friends, and by their friendship helps his virtue.6、三军可夺师也,匹夫不可夺志也。

       The commander of the forces of a large State may be carried off, but the will of even a common man cannot be taken from him.后生可畏,焉知来者之不如今也?

       A youth is to be regarded with respect.How do you know that his future will not be equal to our present?


       Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?


       Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?


       While a man's father is alive, look at the bent of his will;when his father is dead, look at his conduct.If for three years he does not alter from the way of his father, he may be called filial.10、不患人之不己知,患不知人也。

       I will not be afflicted at men's not knowing me;I will be afflicted that I do not know men.11、诗三百,一言以蔽之,曰:思无邪。

       In the Book of Poetry are three hundred pieces, but the design of them all may be embraced in one sentence--“Having no depraved thoughts.”


       The Kwan Tsu is expressive of enjoyment without being licentious, and of grief without being hurtfully excessive.13、父母在,不远游,游必有方。

       While his parents are alive, the son may not go abroad to a distance.If he does go abroad, he must have a fixed place to which he goes.


       Today,I watched a movie called confucius ,which is about Confucius ,who is a great thinker, educator and sage to the Chinese people.As we all know, Confucius has a great influence on China even Asia.But not everyone knows his experience of travelling around China and conveying his ideas, which we can learn from the movie.What impressed me most is the friendship between Confucius and Nanzi.They were both great politician in their period.Also they were intimates.Sadly ,because of their identity, they had few chances to communicate with others.I'd like to have a intimate, who has the same perspective with me so that we can learn and work together.


       On Confucius College After reform and opening up, China’s reputation and good image is valued by many counties.Understanding of Chinese culture has become the trend of the world.Only 7 years, Confucius College is global in scope, blossom everywhere.Then what is the meaning of Confucius College opened in? First, on the aspect of culture, dialogues between two different nations can strengthen their relations.However, at the same time, they can make those two nations distant or alienated from one another.The difference in language is the main cause that has made people of one nation to feel prejudice and bias towards other nations or culture.Confucius College plays an important role in the development of the culture, and it is to encourage necessary contacts between Chinese culture and the local culture.Confucius College not only help people from various countries to understand China better, but also it plays an essential role in the teaching of Chinese language in other countries.Second, at the political level, Confucius College has greatly enhanced the Chinese influence, promoted a deep knowledge of China and mutual exchanges, and promoted world peace and harmonious development.Some people, especially foreigners, however, are against Confucious College.They insist that with an increasing number of confucious College established, it is a potential threat to their own cultures, therefore, it is essential to prevent this trend.From my perspective, Confucius College help act as a positive part in the interflow of culture and political.We should make good use of them to spread and enrich our own.By Elena(杨新卓)




       「不是有現成的 Confucius 嗎?」孔子反問。



       「那倒是的。」 孔子想到自己平常鼓吹謙虛之道,不禁沉吟起來。「那,該怎麼印呢?」


       「杜先生本來要印 Tu Fu,」老闆說,「我一聽表示不好,太像『豆腐』了。」 杜先生說,「那就倒過來,叫Fu Tu 好了。」 我說,「那更不行,簡直像『糊塗』!」 「那怎麼辦?」孔子問。

       「後來我就對詩聖說: 『您老不是字子美嗎?子美,子美……有了!』 杜甫說:『怎麼有了?』

       我說:『杜子美,就叫 Jimmy Tu 吧!』」


       「其實韓愈也來過,」老闆又說。「真的呀?」 孔子更好奇了。「他就印Han Yu 吧?」 「本來他要這樣的,」 老闆說。「我一聽又說不行,太像 Hang you了。韓老說,那『倒過來呢?』

       我說,「 You hang?那也不行。不是『吊死你』就是『你去上吊吧』,太不雅了 」 「那後來呢?」孔子 問。

       「後來呀,」老闆得意洋洋,「還是我想到韓老的故鄉,對他說: 『您老鄉不是韓昌黎嗎?』他說『是呀』,我說就印 Charlie Han 好了!」

       「太好了,太好了!」孔子笑罷,又皺起眉頭說,「他們都解決了,可是我到底怎麼印呢?」 老闆想了一下,叫道,「有了!」 「怎麼樣?」 孔子問。

       「您老不是字仲尼嗎?」老闆笑道。「對呀,」孔子 滿臉期待。

       老闆大聲道「而且還曾週遊列國,那就印 Johnny Walker 好了!」


       In ancient Chinese and western, there are two education masters can be comparable to each other.one is Confucius [kənˈfju:ʃəs] in China and the other one is the ancient Greek Socrates[ˈsɔkrəti:z] , which up to now are still praised in the world.Imagine, when Socrates meets Confucius, what sparks will they collide out(碰撞出)? As we know, Confucius is considered as the greatest of theancient Chinese sages[seɪdʒz](圣人), and Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher[fəˈlɒsəfə(r)](哲学家)who was regarded as a saint(圣人)dying for the pursuit(追求)of the truth.When it comes to educational mode[məʊd](方式), they have something in common, but at the same time they still hold volume[ˈvɒlju:m](大量)of different views.From the perspective(观点)of Confucius, Confucius's teaching method is the gentleman type, although in the teaching he is an amiable['eɪmɪəbl](和蔼可亲的)old man, he established[ɪˈstæblɪʃt](建立)the basic specification of teacher’s absolute authority(权利,权威).In general, Confucius taught students by the knowledge-transference way.Although he also prompted[p'rɒmptɪd](鼓励)the student, what he did was intended to find ways to let them understand what the teacher said better.So he was not happy for students against the intention(意图)of their teacher.This educational mode is more to cultivate(培养)students to the teacher's loyalty and understanding, to believe in authority.However, Socrates’ teaching methods were quite different from Confucius’.He never taught students the ready-made answers, but took dispute[dɪ'spju:t](辩论), cross-examine and so on to force students to think for themselves, and finally found the answer to their questions.He didn’t care whether they thought the same with their teacher and they believe what the teacher said or not.The Socrates’ mode is more to cultivate students





       and self-awareness[ˈselfəˈweənis](自我意识)

       So Plato['pleɪtəʊ](柏拉图), who was good at thinking and pursued(追求)the dialectical [ˈdaɪə'lektɪkl](辩证的)way, became the heir[eə(r)](继承人)of Socrates' education style.From the way of education, Confucius transmitted(传播)knowledge while Socrates forced students themselves to get knowledge;Confucius taught people to believe while Socrates taught them to doubt.Of course, they both paid attention to the heuristic[hjuˈrɪstɪk](启发式的)teaching and encouraged independent thinking instead of the force-feeding teaching with results given directly.If they two learnt the teaching idea from each other, the world culture will be further integration[ˈɪntɪ'ɡreɪʃn](整合,一体化).Also, China's feudal[ˈfju:dl](封建的)culture bound[baʊnd](文化界)won't continue for so long.Last but not least(最后), the cultural conflicts will be reduced and the world will be more peaceful.