This red surface is undercut at cavity side / core side / slider side.2、这些红色面在前模方向/后模方向/行位方向有倒扣。
These red surfaces are undercut at cavity side / core side / slider side.3、产品的这个位置太小,导致模具在前模方向/后模方向/行位方向有薄钢位。
This position is too small and it will bring the thin steel at cavity side / core side / slider side.4、这些红色线是前后模/镶件/行位/斜顶分型线。
These red lines are the parting line of cavity and core / insert / slider / lifter.5、此产品使用推板/推块顶出。
Use the stripper plate / ejector block to eject this part.6、前模/后模斜内行位。
Inner angle slider at cavity / core side.7、为了简化模具结构建议改变此处出模方向。
Suggest to change the draft direction of this position to make the mold structure simply.8、最终的进胶位置根据模流分析。
Finally gate position according the mold flow analysis.9、斜顶与后面的柱位空间太小,斜顶在运动时会干涉到柱子,请考虑移动这个柱子的位置。
This lifter intervene with the pole during ejection, please consider changing the position of the pole.10、此处有薄钢位,强度不足而且不容易冷却。
The strength of this area is too weak and it is hard to cool because the thin steel.11、此处有尖角,填充困难。
It is hard to fill for this area because the sharp feature.12、此处料位太厚,会有缩水,建议减胶改善。
We suggest to reduce some wall thickness to avoid the sink mark for this position.13、此处的行位夹线在外观面上,请确认是否接受?
Please confirm whether it is acceptable to have a slider line on the visible surface?
We suggest to enlarge the draft angle to help release the tool.15、如果分型面此处,模具上会有尖角和刀口,对模具寿命有影响。
There are sharp edges if we set the parting line here, it will reduce the tool life.16、此处料厚段差很大,成品表面会有应力痕,建议修改如图示。
The thickness is not equal and it will bring the stress lines on the surface, suggest to improve the part as the picture shown.17、此大行位上有小行位,开模时小行位需先退,大行位做延时,合模时则相反。
The small slider is inside the big slider, when the mold open, the small slider need to recede first and the big slider have to postpone.When the mold close, it is contrary.18、此处需做强顶。
This position need to force ejection.19、由于此处没有足够空间下热咀,所以需做一个柱子进胶。
This position need to make a pole for gating because there have no enough space for hot sprue.20、沾模,stick
模胚(架): mold base三板模(细水口):3-plate mold
二板模(大水口):2-plate 定位圈(法栏)locating ring 浇口套(唧嘴)sprue bushing
热流道: hot runner,hot manifold
面板:cavity adaptor plate 水口板:runner stripper plate 上模板(A板):cavity plate 下模板(B板):core plate 上内模(型腔\母模\凹模):cavity insert
下内模(型芯\公模\凸模):core insert 推板:stripper plate
模脚(方铁)spacer plate 顶针板:ejector retainner plate
托板(顶针底板): support plat
垃圾钉:stop pin撑头: support pillar
底板:coreadaptor plate 推杆:push bar 顶针: ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin 回针:push bake pin
导柱:leader pin/guide pin 导套:bushing/guide bushing
中托司(顶针板导套):shoulder guide bushing中托边(顶针板导柱):
guide pin滑块(行位): slide 波子弹弓(定位珠):ball catch
耐磨板/油板:wedge wear 压条:plate
斜导边(斜导柱):angle pin
压座/铲鸡:wedge斜顶:angle from pin 斜顶杆:angle ejector rod 缩呵:movable core,return core core puller尼龙拉勾(扣机):nylonlatch lock
栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B 镶针:pin喉塞: pipe plug锁模块:lock plate挡板:stop plate螺丝: screw
推板:stripper plate斜顶:lifterplate
塑胶管:plastic tube
快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/sockermold
内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock
电极(铜公):copper electrode
cutting die, blanking die冲裁模
progressive die, follow
(-on)die 连续模
compound die复合模punched hole冲孔panel board镶块
to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边
to bending折弯
to pull, to stretch拉伸Line streching, line pulling线拉伸
engraving, to engrave刻印 top plate上托板(顶板)top block上垫脚punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座
bottom block下垫脚bottom plate 底板(下托板)
stripping plate 脱料板(表里打)
outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板
上模座upper die set 成型公 form punch脱料板stripper 垫板subplate/backup plate
下模座die plate垫脚parallel托板mounting plate 顶料销kick off
初始管位first start pin 带肩螺丝shoulder screw
两用销lifter pin弹簧护套spring cage 拔牙螺丝jack screw
侧冲组件 cam section
bites导导正装置 guide equipment 尺rail
漏废料孔 slug hole限位块stop block送料板rail plate刀口trim line挡块stopper倒角chamfer入子insert 浮块lifter 销钉dowel
护套bushing压块keeper尖角sharp--angle整形公restrike forming 靠块 heel 普通弹簧coil springpunch 对正块alignmentblock镶件insert止挡板stop plate闭合高度shuthight插针pilot pin挂台head 上夹板/固定座 顶杆lifter bolt扣位pocket of head
导柱guide post
导套guide bushing
油嘴oil nipple
holder/retainer下模座lower die set成刑母公formingdie码模槽mounting slot 球锁紧固定座ball-lock起 吊孔handing hole垫片shim/wear-plate键槽key slot沉孔counter hole导正块thrustblock
“Fudakin InsdustrialCo.,Ltd”
Parting Core
局部视图 Partial View 冷料# Cold Slag 线切割 WireE.D.M 轮廊 Contour 螺纹孔 Tapping Hole 连接件 Fittings 斜针
Angle Pin
接合 Engage
替换镶件Interchangeable MoldInserts 指定吨位的注塑机 Specific Press水嘴接头 Water Fittings 螺纹 Eyebolt Thread 回针 Stop Pin
二级顶出针 Sub-Leaderd Pin 镶件 Mold Insert 加硬
唧嘴 Sprue 设计筒图 Design Preliminary 名称块表 Title Block 版本标识 Revision Level 材料清单 Stock List 制模 Build Mold 手动滑块 Hand Slide 漏水测试 Leak Test 流道排气
Runner Vents
抛光 Draw Polish 侧抽芯 Side Action 加强筋 Reinforcing 三角撑 Gusset 柱子 Bossed 出模斜度 Draft 外廊
落单会议 Kick-Off Meeting 装卸孔 HandlingHole 运输安全带 Moldstrap 码模槽 Clamp Slot
撑头 Support Pillar
螺牙1/2-13 Eye Bolt 1/2-13Tap 导柱位 Leader Pin Location
耐落胶 Teflon Paste 偏移量 Offset 水塞 Water Line Plug 撬模脚 Ppy Slot 重新加工 Reworked 配件 Components 补偿 Compensation平面度 Parallel
倒角 Chamfer 模胚
Mold Base
热嘴 Hotnozzle 火花机 Edm 熔接线 Weildline 压机 Press 晒纹 Texturing 梯形 Trapezoid 凸缘、法兰 Flange 方铁Spacer Block 顶针板Ejector Plate
顶针底板 Ejector RetainerPlate 垫板Retainer Plate 后模镶针 Core Pin 拉圾钉
Stop Pin
有托顶针 Shoulder Ejector Pin 顶针板导套 Guided Ejection Bushing 针板导柱 Guided Ejection Leader Pin 唧嘴Sprue Bushing 三板模延伸式唧嘴Extension Nozzle Bushing 水口板导套 Runner Stripper Plate Bushing 定位圈(法兰)Locating Ring 管钉(定位销)Dowel Pin 管状管钉Tubular Dowel 吊环
Safety Hoist Ring 日期印Dating Insert
Recycling Insert
气顶Air Poppet Valve
截水口镶件 Runner Shut-Off Insert 早回Early Ejector Return
加速项Accelerated Ejector 客户
产品名Part Name 产品编号 Part No 缩水 Shrinkage 版本 Rev 模胚 Mold Base 下模镶件 Core Block 上模镶件
Cavity Block
小镶件 Sub-Insert
下模小镶件 Core Sub-Insert 上模小镶件 Cavity Sub-Insert 行位
压条 Gib
压紧块(铲机)Jaw 硬片(摩擦片)Wear Plate 水口铁 Runner Bar
上模水口铁 Upper Runner Bar 下模水口铁 Lower Runner Bar 弹簧 Spring 水口勾针 Sprue Puller Pin 顶针 Ejector Pin 撑头 Support Pillar 直身锁 Side Lock 斜度锁 Interlock 锁模板
Safety Bar
喉塞 Plug
隔水片 Baffle
波子螺丝(行位定位螺丝)Ball-Catch 斜顶 Lifter 控制开关 Switch
回针Return Pin 斜导柱Angle Pin
推板Stripper Plate A’板A'Plate B’板
方铁(垫铁)Spacer Block 顶针板Ejector Plate
顶针底板 Ejector Retainer Plate 垫板Retainer Plate 垃圾钉
有托顶针Shoulder Ejector Pin 顶针板导套Guided Ejection Bushing 针板导柱 Guided Ejection Leader Pin
唧嘴Sprue Bushing
三板模延伸式唧嘴Extension Nozzle Bushing 水口板导套 Runner Stripper Plate Bushing 定位圈(法兰)Locating Ring 管钉(定位销)Dowel Pin 管状管钉Tubular Dowel 吊环Safety Hoist Ring 日期印Dating Insert 环保印Recycling Insert 气顶Air Poppet Valve 截水口镶件 Runner Shut-Off Insert 早回
Early Ejector Return 加速顶Accelerated Ejector 扁顶
出模斜波 Draft 手动滑块模具 Hand Slide-In Type Mold 回针板 Backup 合模 Shutoff
空隙槽 Clearance Slot
导柱及导套 Leader Pin Bushing 水口拉钩 Spuer Puller 模框镶件 Pocket Insert
成型热固性塑胶模具 Thermoset Mold 三板模 3-Plat Mold分型面 Parting Line 司筒 Ejector Sleeve 垫圈
熔接线(夹水纹)Weldline 吸针 Sucker Pin
回针板 Retainer Plate
顶出板 Knock-Out Plate
电动安全开关Electrical-Safety Switch 脱开 Cut Of Position 预先决定 Preload 缓冲器 Bumper 衬垫 Cushion 公差
突然性动作 Slam 销针 Dowel 钩槽 Gib
通框 Through Window
粘后模 Sticking Core 粘水口 Sticking Sprue
夹水纹Weld Line
变形Warpage 走水不平均Filling Uneven 走不齐Short Shot 挂成品
Part Hanging
漏水Water Leakage 刮花(擦伤)Galling 漏电Ele Leakage 困气Air Trapping 温度Temperature 注塑模
Injection Mold 入水Gate 试板Sampling 压力Pressure 倒圆Fillet 顶棍
Ejector 顶白Stress Mark 粘前模Sticking Cav 名称块表 Title Block 版本标识 Revision Level 材料清单
Stock List
斜导柱(斜边)Angle Pin A板A'plate B板B'plate 倒扣Under-Cut 披峰Flash
Sink Mark
氮化Nitride 不规则四边形Trapezoid 缩水Shrinkage 连续的Consecutive 雕刻Engrave
分模面Parting Surface 擦位Shut-Off(S/0)导套Bushing 回针Return Pin 加硬Harden 唧嘴
设计筒图 Design Preliminary 丝印Silkprint 不干胶Adhesive Sticker 导向针Guide Din 公差
线切割Wire-Cut 电火花Edm
抛光Polishing 蚀纹Texture
三打螺丝毫(限螺丝)Stripper Bolt 盖板Cover Plate 齿轮Gear
油唧Hydraulic Cylinder 司筒Ejector Sleeve 导柱Leader Pin 冷料#
Cold Slag 线切割Wire E.D.M.轮廓Contour 螺纹孔Tapping Hole 连接件Fittings
斜针Angle Pin 接合Engage
Interchangeable Mold Inserts
指定吨位的注塑机 Specific Press 水嘴接头 Water Fittings 螺纹Eyebolt Thread
回针Stop Pin
二级顶出针 Sub-Leader Pin 镶件
Mold Insert
锁定位Lock 楔子(铲鸡)Wedge
高产量模量 High Volume Running Mold 剖面图Cross Section 模具结构 Mold Construction 模芯Parting Core 局部视图 Partial View 热流道Manifold 热嘴Hot Nozzle 型腔数Cav No 模号Mold No 胶料
Critical Dimension
General all-steel punching die’s punching accuracy
Accuracy of panel punching part is display the press accuracy of the die exactly.But the accuracy of any punching parts’ linear dimension and positional accuracy almost depend on the blanking and blanking accuracy,.So that the compound mould of compound punching’s accuracy, is typicalness and representation in the majority.Analyse of the die’s accuracy
For the analyse of pracyicable inaccuracy during production of dies to inactivation, we could get the tendency when it is augmentation in most time.From this we could analyse the elements.When the new punch dies pt into production to the first cutter grinding, the inaccuracy produced called initial error;if the die grinding more than twenty times, until it’s discard, the inaccuracy called conventional error;and before the dies discard, the largest error of the last batch permit, called limiting error.at job site, the evidence to confirm life of sharpening is the higher of the blanking, punched hole or punched parts.Because all finished parts had been blanked ,so it is especially for the compound dies.Therefore, the analyse of burr and measurement is especially important when do them as enterprise standardization or checked with <
At the whole process when the New punching die between just input production to discard, the changeless master error that in qualified part are called fixed error.It’s magnitude is the deviation when the die production qualified products before the first cutter grinding.Also is the initial error, but the die have initial punching accuracy at this time.Because of the abrade of parts, the die after grinding will be change the dimension error.And the increment of deviation will oversize as the times of cutter grinding.So the punching accuracy after cutter grinding also called “grinding accuracy” and lower tan initial accuracy.The fixed error depend on the elements factor as followed :(1)the material , sorts, structure,(form)dimension, and thick of panel
the magnitude of punching gap and degree of homogeneity are have a important effect for the dimension accuracy.Different punching process, material, thick of panel, have completely different gap and punching accuracy.A gear H62 which made in yellow brass with the same mode number m=0.34, 2mm thick and had a center hole, when the gap get C=0.5%t(single edge), and punched with compound punching die, and the dimension accuracy reached IT7, the part have a flat surface ,the verticality of tangent plane reached 89.5°, its roughness Ra magnitude are 12.5μm, height of burr are 0.10mm;and the punching part are punched with progressive die, the gap C=7%t(single edge), initial accuracy are IT11, and have an more rough surface, even can see the gap with eyes.In the usual situation, flushes a material and its thickness t is theselection punching gap main basis.Once the designation gap haddetermined flushes the plane size the fixed error main body;Flushesthe structure rigidity and the three-dimensional shape affects itsshape position precision.(2)punching craft and molder structure type
Uses the different ramming craft, flushes a precision and the fixederror difference is really big.Except that the above piece gearexample showed, the essence flushes the craft and ordinary punching flushes a precision and the fixed error differs outside a magnitude,even if in ordinary punching center, uses the different gap punching, thefixed error difference very is also big.For example material thickt=1.5mm H62 brass punching, selects C <= the 40%t unilateral I kind ofsmall gap punching compared to select C <= 8%t(unilaterally)III kindof big gap punching, will flush a fixed error to enlarge 40% ~ 60%, theprecision at least will fall a level.Side in addition, whether thereis picks builds a row of type side, flushes a error to have far to bebigger than has builds a row of type to flush.Side not builds a rowof type to flush.Side not builds a row of type to flush a precisionto be lower than the IT12 level side, but most has builds a row oftype to flush a precision in IT11 between ~ IT9 level, material thickt > 4mm flushes, the size precision can lower some.Different die’s structure type, because is suitable the rammingmaterial to be thick and the manufacture precision difference, causesto flush a fixed error to have leaves.Compound die center, multi-locations continuous type compound die because flushes continuously toduplicate the localization to add on the pattern making error to bebigger, therefore it flushes a fixed error compound punching die to wantcompared to the single location Big 1 ~ 2 levels
(3)the craft of punching die’s manufacture
the main work of punching die namely are raised, the concave moldprocessing procedure, to operates on the specification not to behigh, can time form a more complex cavity.But its processing surfaceapproximately is thick > 0.03 ~ 0.05mm is the high temperatureablation remaining furcated austenite organization, degree ofhardness may reach as high as HRC67 ~ 70, has the micro crack, easilywhen punching appears broke the cutter or flaking.The Italian CorradaCorporation''s related memoir called “the line cut the processing contruction to have the disadvantageous influence to the superficialgold, in fact already changed the gold contruction.We must use theJin''gang stone powder to grind or the numerical control continual pathcoordinates rub truncate(cut to line)to make the precision work ”.In recent years country and so on Switzerland and Japan, has conductedthe thorough research to the electrical finishing equipment and abigger improvement, makes function complete high accuracy NC and theCNC line cutter, the processing precision may reach ±0.005 ~ 0.001mm,even is smaller.The processing surface roughness Ra value can achieve0.4 mu m.According to the recent years to the domestic 12 productionlines cutter factory investigation and study, the domesticallyproduced line cutter processing precision different factory differentmodel line cutter might reach ±0.008 ~ ±0.005mm, generally all in±0.01mm or bigger somewhat, was individual also can achieve±0.005mm, the processing surface roughness Ra value was bigger than1.6μm.However, the electrical finishing ablation metal surface thus the change and the damage machined surface mental structure character can not change, only if with rubs truncates or other ways removes this harmful level.Therefore, merely uses electricity machining, including the spark cutting and the electricity perforation, achieves with difficulty punching, especially high accuracy, high life punching die to size precision and work components surface roughness Ra value request.With precisely rubs truncates the law manufacture punching die, specially makes the high accuracy, the high life punching die, such as: Thin material small gap compound punching die, multi-locations continuous type compound die and so on, has the size precision high, the work component smachined surface roughness Ra value is small, the mold life higher characteristic.Its processing craft at present changed the electrical fire by the past ordinary engine bed rough machining spark cutting or the electricity puncher rough machining, finally precisely rubs truncates, also from takes shape rubs, optics curve rubs, the manual grid reference rubs gradually filters the continual path grid reference to rub and NC and the CNC continual path grid reference rubs, Processing coarseness may reach ±0.001 ~ 0.0005mm, the processing surface roughness Ra value may reach 0.1 ~ 0.025 mu m.Therefore, with this craft manufacture the die , regardless of the size precision, the work components surface roughness, all can satisfy die, each kind of compound request, the die is especially higher than the electrical finishing craft manufacture scale.(4)gap size and degree of homogeneity
the flange and other sheet forming sgene rally all must first punching(fall material)the plate to launch the semi finished materials, after also has the forming to fall the material, the incision obtains the single end product to flush.Therefore punching the work, including is commonly used punching hole, the margin, cut side and so on, regarding each kind of sheet pressing partall is necessary.Therefore punching the gap to flushes a out form in chprecision to have the decisive influence.punching the gap small and is even, may cause punching the size gain high accuracy.Regarding drawability, is curving and so on mould, the gap greatly will decide increases flushes the oral area size error and the snapping back.The gapnon-uniformity can cause to flush a burr enlarges and incurs cutting edge the non-uniform attrition.(5)ramming equipment elastic deformation In the ramming process After the punch press load bearing can have the certain elastic deformation.Although this kind of distortion quantity according to flushes the pressure the size to change also to have the obvious directivity, but on the pressing part, mainly is to has the volume ramming archery target stamping, embosses, the equalization, the pressure is raised, the wave, flushes crowds, the shape, the flange, hits flatly, thinly changes draw ability and so on the craft work punching forming flushes, has the significant influence to its ramming aspect size precision
(2)冲压工艺及冲模结构类型 采用不同的冲压工艺,冲件的精度及固定误差相差甚大。除上述片齿轮实例说明,精冲工艺与普通冲裁的冲件精度与固定误差相差一个数量级之外,即便在普通冲裁中,采用不同间隙冲裁,固定误差相差也很大。例如料厚t=1.5mm的H62黄铜冲裁件,选用C≤40%t单边Ⅰ类小间隙冲裁比选用C≤8%t(单边)Ⅲ类大间隙冲裁,冲件固定误差将加大40%~60%,精度至少降一级。此外,采有无搭边排样,冲件的误差要远大于有搭边排样冲件。无搭边排样冲件。无搭边排样冲件的精度低于IT12级,而多数有搭边排样的冲件精度在IT11~IT9级之间,料厚t>4mm的冲件,尺寸精度会更低一些。不同冲模结构类型,由于适用冲压料厚及制造精度的差异,导致冲件的固定误差有别。复合模中,多工位连续式复合模由于冲件连续重复定位加上制模误差较大,故其冲件的固定误差比单工位复合冲裁模要
拉深、弯曲、翻边及其他板料成形件一般都要先冲裁(落料)出平板展开毛坯,也有成形后落料、切开得到单个成品冲件。故冲裁作业,包括常用的冲孔、切口、切边等,对于每种板料冲压件都是必要的。所以冲裁间隙对冲件的外廓尺寸精度有决定性的影响。冲裁间隙小而均匀,可使冲裁尺寸获取更高精度。对于拉深、弯曲等成形模,间隙大定将增大冲件口部尺寸误差及回弹。间隙不均匀会使冲件毛刺加大并招致刃口的不均匀磨损。(5)冲压设备的弹性变形 在冲压过程中,冲床承载后会产生一定的弹性变形。虽然这种变形量依冲压力的大小变化且具有明显的方向性,但就冲压件,主要是对具有体积冲压性质的压印、压花、校平、压凸、起波、冲挤、镦形、翻边、镦粗、打扁、变薄拉深等工艺作业冲制成形的冲件,对其冲压方面的尺寸精度有重大影响。
模胚Mold Base 分模线Parting Base 母模线PartingLine 公模侧Core Side嵌板Mold Plate 嵌件Insert 滑块板Slider
滑块板固定板Wear Plate 定位机构Inter Lock 吊圈Eye Bolt 日期转印Date Mark 前模Cavity 后模Core 型心Core Pin
出模编号Cavity Number 冷却管Cooling Channel 水嘴Hose Nipple 注塑Injection 树脂Resin 材料Material 等级/类型Grade 干燥Dry
干燥不足Not Dried Enough 收缩率Shrinkage 充填Full Shot 比重Density
斜针组装板第二固定板 顶针板方铁定位圈导柱撑顶定位杆小拉杆导柱套水口针斜导柱锁定块回针垃圾针顶出板导柱 弹簧支撑柱顶针板顶针顶块顶出顶板顶出司筒顶出中心针机嘴套直流道流道支流道
Angular Ejector Back Plate
Runner Stripper Plate Ejector Plate Spacer Block Locating Ring Guide Pin Support Pin Stop Bolt Pull Bolt Guide Bush
Runner Lock Pin Angular Pin Heal Block Return Pin Stop Ring
Ejector GuideCoil Spring Support Pillar Ejector Pin Blade Ejector Block Ejector Plate Ejector Sleeve Ejector Center Pin Spure Bush Sprue Runner Drop 冷却棒加热管O形圈逃气孔销针铣床加工放电加工线切割加工 磨床加工孔位加工细加工省模加工配模塞规铜公筋骨加工脱模斜度倒扣钢材咬花雕刻加工电镀加工热处理氮化处理表面处理内六角螺钉 热流道热流道结构 热嘴
Baffle Heat Pipe O RingAir Vent Dowel Pin
Milling MachiningEDM Machining Wire Cutting Grinding Drilling Deburring PolishingFitting Shim
EDM Master Rib MachiningDraft Angle Under Cut Steel Texture Engraving Electro Plating Hardening Nitrding
Surface Hardness Allen Bolt Hot Runner Manifold Hot Tip 调温机热可塑性热硬化性银条状喷流痕侠水纹披峰缩水烧焦充填不良光泽不良气泡难型不良弯曲变形光泽不均难物不良打痕顶白谬丝拉伤油污点裂化倒塌分模定位锁 水口点水口侧水口潜伏水口Temp Cont Unit Thermo Plastis Thermo Set Silver Line Flow Mark Weld Line Burr
Sink mark Burn Mark Short Shot
Gloss Not Enough Bloe Hole Sticking BendingWarpage
Uneven Gloss Black Spot Damage White Mark Hair Flash Scrtach Oil Dirt Crack Deform
Parting Lock Gate Pin Gate Side Gate
Submarine Gate