




       2022年,全球钢铁产量达13.45亿吨。其中我国铁、钢、材产量分别达到4.69 亿吨、4.89亿吨和5.65 亿吨。占全球钢产量份额由 2000年的 15.0%,提高到了 2022年的36.4%。钢铁按化学成分分类可分为碳素钢和合金钢。碳素钢是指钢中除铁、碳外,还含有少量锰、硅、硫、磷等元素的铁碳合金,按其含碳量的不同可分为:低碳钢(wc≤0.25%)、中碳钢(0.25%0.60%)。合金钢是指为了改善钢的性能,在冶炼碳素钢的基础上,加入一些合金元素而炼成的钢,如铬钢、锰钢、铬锰钢、铬镍钢等。按其合金元素的总含量,可分为低合金钢(η≤5%)、中合金钢(5%<η<10%)、高合金钢(η>10%)。











































       批评性话语分析(critical discourse analysis),简称CDA,也叫做批评语言学(critical linguist ics),旨在通过分析语言特征及其生成的社会文化背景挖掘隐含于语言中的意识形态, 进而揭露语言、权势和意识形态之间的复杂关系。批评性话语分析诞生于20 世纪70 年代,英国语言学家Fowler 等在《语言和控制》(Language and Control)一书中首次提出批评语言学这一概念, 揭开了批评性话语分析研究的序幕。

       批评性话语分析被认为是批评语言学最有影响的一个分析,它通过分析大众语篇揭示意识形态对语篇的影响和语篇对意识形态的反作用。不同学者对批评话语分析的诠释不尽相同。批评性话语分析家认为话语是影响人们思想和实践的强有力方式, 因而有必要通过详细分析揭示其中的权势关系。

       在语言学上,批评性话语分析吸收了美国人类学家Sapir & Whorf关于语言和思维关系的假说(语言相对论和语言决定论)以及Halliday 系统功能语言学(Systemic Functional Linguistics)的理论, 主张人们在使用语言时所选择的语言形式是由其实现的社会功能所决定的(选择即意义),而CDA正是主张语言是一种社会实践, 试图使人们意识到以前所没意识到的语言和社会结构之间相互影响的关系。

       Fairclough提出了批评性话语分析的三大论点:(1)语言是一种社会实践(social practice),它是社会秩序的一种永恒的介入力量,从各个角度反映现实,通过再现意识形态来操作、影响社会过程。(2)在社会文化环境中,语言与价值观念、宗教信仰和权力关系之间是一种互为影响的关系。(3)语言的使用可以促使话语的改变和社会的变革。Fairclough 承认批评性话语分析并非“毫无激情而纯客观的”社会科学,批评性话语分析家都是带着激情和强烈的责任感而投入工作的。批评性话语分析的独特之处就是它帮助被统治和被压迫群体反对统治者。它公开表明自己的动机是为被压迫群体谋求解放。这并不意味着批评性话语分析缺少坚实的理论基础,也不意味着批评性话语分析的学术标准低或方法不严谨。Fairclough 和Wodak阐述了批评性话语分析在理论和方法上应遵循的八条原则:








       按照 《现代语言学词典》 的解释,“批评话语分析是一种分析视角, 研究的是话语事件和社会政治, 文化因素之间的关系, 特别是话语在社会中如何在意识形态上受权势关系的影响和自身如何影响权势关系。”看来,批评话语分析的生命在于“ 批评”,批评话语分析的产生和发展都会受到政体的制约。任何社会科















       GIS即地理信息系统技术,是利用现代计算机图形技术和数据库技术,用以输入、存储、编辑、分析、显示空间信息及其属性信息的地理资料系统。分为两大类: 第一类是地图数据或图形数据;第二类是文字数据或非图形数据。



       获取信息的速度快,周期短。由于卫星围绕地球运转,从而能及时获取所经地区的各种自然现象的最新资料,以便更新原有资料,或根据新旧资料变化进行动态监测,这是人工实地测量和航空摄影测量无法比拟的。例如,法国SPOTS5卫星重复覆盖地球周期为1-5天,NOAA(美国国家海洋和大气局)气象卫星一天能收到两次图像。美国气象卫星(meteorological 和 satellite 缩合)每30分钟获得同一地区的图像。




       1、地质遥感遥感技术应用于大面积的地质灾难调查,可达到及时、具体、准确且经济的目的。在2022年“5.12”汶川大地震的后续救援工作中,遥感技术就发挥了突出作用,第一时间提供了地质地貌变化情况,为政府作出正确决策提供了依据。在舟曲泥石流灾害中,中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心科研人员就使用遥感技术,重点提取了6条沟谷与泥石流发生有关的信息,得到集水面积、流域平均坡度、流域落差和植被覆盖度等参数。经过分析,科研人员判断出,当地哪些地方仍存在泥石流隐患,哪些地段发生大型泥石流的可能性较小,让前方人员可以更有针对性地安排救灾工作。地震预报是举世瞩目的科学难题,利用红外遥感资料进行地震预报和监测已取得了巨大的成功, 1991年3月,观察山西省大同5.8 级地震前卫星热红外遥感图象后发现,震前4~6 天在局部地区出现地表温度场发生增温现象或称暂时异常“热岛”现象, 异常带长80km, 宽30km,距离震中25km,地表亮度温度变化数值由22℃增加到28℃,部分欧美发达国家已进入了实际研究和应用阶段。















       ④.农情监测 农情参数的获取可以用于指导农田的生产管理,实行变量投入,达到优化生产、提高生产率、减少污染,是现代化农业发展的趋势。遥感技术具有覆盖范围大、探测周期短、现时性强、费用成本低的特点,为农情参数快速、准确、动态地获取提供了重要的技术手段。



       总之,卫星遥感技术的迅速发展,把人类带入了立体化、多层次、多角度、全方位和全天候地对地观测的新时代。就在我们为在网络上通过Google Earth的卫星影像可以看到自己家的房顶感到震撼时,现在我告诉大家:在网络上不仅能搜索到自己家,还能看见阳台上种的几盆花,甚至可以判断哪几盆要浇水;当我们站在某个海滩边,掏出手机,就可以接收到卫星遥感发回的数据:附近哪里阳光充足、哪里的沙滩沙多,哪里的海水污染较少,哪里游泳水温比较合适,这会不会吓到你?中国正在开发比“谷歌地图”更精细的卫星系统——高分辨率对地观测系统。到2022年,借助该系统,上述的场景就真能实现了,到时我们就可以把整个地球装进自己的口袋。















       应用文是指 单位或个人为处理个人事务、解决具体问题而写作的具有惯用格式的一种文体。


       又称 公文写作,就是根据现实的需要,运用应用文的文体知识,创作出具有较强实用意义的作品的过程。




       行政公文类是以党和国家机关 社会团体 企事业单位的名义发出或记录某种信息时使用的一类应用文。公告 通告 通知 通报 报告 议案 会议纪要等 事务类文书就是指机关 团体 企事业单位或者个人在处理日常事务时所普遍使用的一种应用文。启事与声明 计划 总结 简报开幕词 述职报告等

       经济类文书主要指人们在经济活动中所使用的应用文合同 协议书 广告 商品说明书等

       法律类文书 是指诉讼司法文书 在法律活动中使用的应用文起诉状 申诉状仲裁申请书等

       科技类文书是指在学习科学研究 技术创新活动中使用的文书实习报告 毕业论文科技论文等

       传播类文书人们在信息传播过程中使用的一种应用文新闻 通讯 广播稿 演讲稿 解说词等

       礼仪类文书人们在社交活动中使用的一类应用文。请柬 聘书 祝词 欢迎词等



       1、具有实用性合同 计划海报


       3、有较为固定的惯用格式 书信开头 结尾等





       2、传递信息 协调沟通





       2、要有较宽的知识面 交丰富的只是储备














       Embedded Linux applications: An overview Linux now spans the spectrum of computing applications, including IBM's tiny Linux wrist watch, hand-held devices(PDAs and cell phones), Internet appliances, thin clients, firewalls, industrial robotics, telephony infrastructure equipment, and even cluster-based supercomputers.Let's take a look at what Linux has to offer as an embedded system, and why it's the most attractive option currently available.One.Emergence of embedded systems The computers used to control equipment, otherwise known as embedded systems, have been around for about as long as computers themselves.They were first used back in the late 1960s in communications to control electrome chanical telephone switches.As the computer industry has moved toward ever smaller systems over the past decade or so, embedded systems have moved along with it, providing more capabilities for these tiny machines.Increasingly, these embedded systems need to be connected to some sort of network, and thus require a networking stack, which increases the complexity level and requires more memory and interfaces, as well as, you guessed it, the services of an operating system.Off-the-shelf operating systems for embedded systems began to appear in the late 1970s, and today several dozen viable options are available.Out of these, a few major players have emerged, such as VxWorks, pSOS, Neculeus, and Windows CE.Two.Advantages/disadvantages of using Linux for your embedded system Although most Linux systems run on PC platforms, Linux can also be a reliable workhorse for embedded systems.The popular “back-to-basics” approach of Linux, which makes it easier and more flexible to install and administer than UNIX, is an added advantage for UNIX gurus who already appreciate the operating system because it has many of the same commands and programming interfaces as traditional UNIX.The typical shrink-wrapped Linux system has been packaged to run on a PC, with a

       hard disk and tons of memory, much of which is not needed on an embedded system.A fully featured Linux kernel requires about 1 MB of memory.However, the Linux micro-kernel actually consumes very little of this memory, only 100 K on a Pentium CPU, including virtual memory and all core operating system functions.With the networking stack and basic utilities, a complete Linux system runs quite nicely in 500 K of memory on an Intel 386 microprocessor, with an 8-bit bus(SX).Because the memory required is often dictated by the applications needed, such as a Web server or SNMP agent, a Linux system can actually be adapted to work with as little as 256 KB ROM and 512 KB RAM.So it's a lightweight operating system to bring to the embedded market.Another benefit of using an open source operating system like Embedded Linux over a traditional real-time operating system(RTOS), is that the Linux development community tends to support new IP and other protocols faster than RTOS vendors do.For example, more device drivers, such as network interface card(NIC)drivers and parallel and serial port drivers, are available for Linux than for commercial operating systems.The core Linux operating system itself has a fairly simple micro-kernel architecture.Networking and file systems are layered on top of the micro-kernel in modular fashion.Drivers and other features can be either compiled in or added to the kernel at run-time as loadable modules.This provides a highly modular building-block approach to constructing a custom embeddable system, which typically uses a combination of custom drivers and application programs to provide the added functionality.An embedded system also often requires generic capabilities, which, in order to avoid re-inventing the wheel, are built with off-the-shelf programs and drivers, many of which are available for common peripherals and applications.Linux can run on most microprocessors with a wide range of peripherals and has a ready inventory of off-the-shelf applications.Linux is also well-suited for embedded Internet devices, because of its support of multiprocessor systems, which lends it scalability.This capability gives a designer the option of running a real-time application on a dual processor system, increasing total processing power.So you can run a Linux system on one processor while running a GUI, for example, simultaneously on another processor.The one disadvantage to running Linux on an embedded system is that the Linux architecture provides real-time performance through the addition of real-time software modules that run in the kernel space, the portion of the operating system that implements the scheduling policy, hardware-interrupts exceptions and program execution.Since these

       real-time software modules run in the kernel space, a code error can impact the entire system's reliability by crashing the operating system, which can be a very serious vulnerability for real-time applications.An off-the-shelf RTOS, on the other hand, is designed from the ground up for real-time performance, and provides reliability through allocating certain processes a higher priority than others when launched by a user as opposed to by system-level processes.Processes are identified by the operating system as programs that execute in memory or on the hard drive.They are assigned a process ID or a numerical identifier so that the operating system may keep track of the programs currently executing and of their associated priority levels.Such an approach ensures a higher reliability(predictability)with the RTOS time than Linux is capable of providing.But all-in-all, it's still a more economical choice.Three.Different types of Embedded Linux systems There are already many examples of Embedded Linux systems;it's safe to say that some form of Linux can run on just about any computer that executes code.The ELKS(Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset)project, for example, plans to put Linux onto a Palm Pilot.Here are a couple of the more well-known small footprint Embedded Linux versions: ETLinux--a complete Linux distribution designed to run on small industrial computers, especially PC/104 modules.LEM--a small(<8 MB)multi-user, networked Linux version that runs on 386s.LOAF--“Linux On A Floppy” distribution that runs on 386s.uClinux--Linux for systems without MMUs.Currently supports Motorola 68K, MCF5206, and MCF5207 ColdFire microprocessors.uLinux--tiny Linux distribution that runs on 386s.ThinLinux--a minimized Linux distribution for dedicated camera servers, X-10 controllers, MP3 players, and other such embedded applications.Software and hardware requirements Several user-interface tools and programs enhance the versatility of the Linux basic kernel.It's helpful to look at Linux as a continuum in this context, ranging from a stripped-down micro-kernel with memory management, task switching and timer services to a full-blown server supporting a complete range of file system and network services.A minimal Embedded Linux system needs just three essential elements:

         A boot utility

       The Linux micro-kernel, composed of memory management, process An initialization process Drivers for hardware

       One or more application processes to provide the needed functionality A file system(perhaps in ROM or RAM)TCP/IP network stack

       A disk for storing semi-transient data and swap capability A 32-bit internal CPU(required by all complete Linux systems)management and timing services


       To doing anything useful while remaining minimal, you also need to add:

        

       As additional requirements become necessary, you might also want:    

       Four.Hardware platform options Choosing the best hardware can be complex because of internal company politics, prejudices, legacies of other projects, a lack of complete or accurate information, and cost, which should take into account the total product costs and not just the CPU itself.Sometimes a fast, inexpensive CPU can become expensive once bus logic and the delays necessary to make it work with other peripherals are considered.To calculate the necessary speed of a CPU for any given project, start with a realistic view of how fast the CPU needs to run to accomplish a given task and triple it.Also, determine how fast the bus needs to run.If there are secondary buses, such as a PCI bus, consider them also.A slow bus(that is, one that is saturated with DMA traffic)can significantly slow down a fast CPU.Here are some of the best hardware solutions for Embedded Linux applications.Bright Star Engineering: Bright Star Engineering's ipEngine-1 is a credit-card sized single-board computer with Embedded Linux support.It utilizes a PowerPC-based CPU and provides an array of on-board peripherals, including Ethernet, LCD/Video Controller, USB, Serial I/O, and a 16K gate user-configurable FPGA.BSE's Embedded Linux configuration allows Linux to be booted from the ipEngine's on-board 4MB flash memory.Calibri: CalibriTM-133 is a ready-to-use, compact, multipurpose network appliance

       that uses Embedded Linux as its operating system.It offers a highly efficient and low-cost solution to firewall, VPN, and routing demands.EmbeddedPlanet: EmbeddedPlanet has created a PostPC-era computer that comes loaded with MontaVista's HardHat Linux.Powered by a PowerPC-based computing engine and matching I/O card, Linux Planet comes in a colorful translucent case with a touchscreen and access to digital and analog I/O.Eurotech: Eurotech provides embedded PC SBC and sponsors ET-Linux, a complete Linux system designed to run on small industrial computers and based on glibc 2.1.2.Microprocess Ingenierie: Microprocess develops, produces, and sells standard and customized products for the industrial and embedded market.Microprocess has a global activity in real-time software and great expertise in systems integration.Its products, like the 740 PowerPC compactPCI board, can be ordered with a standard distribution of Linux or an Embedded Linux version.Moreton Bay: Moreton Bay is releasing their NETtel 2520 and NETtel 2500 range of Linux-based Internet routers.These small, easy-to-connect intelligent router solutions are engineered to offer a simple, secure, and affordable extranet-friendly Virtual Private Network(VPN)for flat networks.The NETtel router family runs an Embedded Linux kernel.A development kit is available;it enables customized code to be stored in flash memory and executed inside the NETtel.The code may contain special encryption or authentication protocols, or some local monitoring script where NETtel is used as a remote control device.Matrix Orbital: This an optional, but not recommended, addition.Matrix Orbital manufactures a line of serial LCDs and VFDs, which many Linux users are including in their embedded systems.The product line ranges from 8x2 to 40x4 character LCDs, 20x2 and 20x4 VFDs, plus a 240x64 graphic LC(128x128 on the way).Communication with the displays is accomplished via either RS232 or I2C, both of which are standard on all of their modules.A comprehensive command set is included in the modules' BIOS.Five.Real-time Embedded Linux applications One of the most important issues with embedded systems is the need for a real-time operating system.The definition of real-time here varies quite a bit.To some people, real-time means responding to an event in the one-microsecond range, to others it is 50 milliseconds.The hardness of real-time also varies quite a bit.Some systems need hard

       real-time response, with short deterministic response latencies to events.However, on many systems, when analyzed closely, we see a response time requirement that is actually near real-time.Often the real-time requirement is a tradeoff of time and buffer space.With memory getting cheaper, and CPUs getting faster, near real-time is now more typical than hard real-time and many commercial operating systems that claim to be real-time are far from being hard real-time.Usually, when you get into the detailed design of these systems, there are warnings that the drivers' interrupts and applications must be very carefully designed in order to meet real-time requirements.RT-Linux(Linux with real-time extensions)contains time critical functions to provide precise control over interrupt handling, through the use of an interrupt manager, and does a good job of making sure that critical interrupts get executed when needed.The hardness of this approach depends mostly on the CPU interrupt structure and context-switch hardware support.This approach is sufficient for a large range of real-time requirements.Even without the real-time extensions, Linux does pretty well at keeping up with multiple streams of events.For example, a Linux PC system on a low end Pentium is able to keep multiple 10BaseT interfaces executing effectively, while simultaneously running character-level serial ports at a full 56KBPS without losing any data.Some real-time hardware and software Linux APIs to consider are RTLinux, RTAI, EL, and Linux-SRT.RTLinux is a hard real-time Linux API originally developed at the New Mexico Institute of Technology.RTAI(DIAPM)is a spin-off of the RTLinux real-time API that was developed by programmers at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Polytechnic Politecnico di Milano(DIAPM).EL/IX is a proposed POSIX-based hard real-time Linux API being promoted by Red Hat.And Linux-SRT is a soft real-time alternative to real-time APIs, which provides performance-enhancing capabilities to any Linux program without requiring that the program be modified or recompiled.See the Resources section later in this article for information on the above and for some Web sites offering different flavors of software extensions, development tools, support, and training courses for the standard Linux operating system.Short deterministic response latencies Some real-time embedded systems need to respond quickly to external events in order to accomplish a specific task.A custom microcontroller embedded inside a missile, for example, needs to respond quickly to external events such as moving targets, weather, humans, etc., before instructing the missile to target a specific object in its surrounding

       environment.Short deterministic response latencies mean that the embedded system can determine the time it will take to respond to an external event.Six.Configuration procedures Now let's take a look at how to make LEM, a small, embeddable Linux distribution, which provides both network and X server.You can download this distribution, although it is not essential.You will need a full Linux distribution to build your own Embedded Linux operating system, which will contain everything you need(utilities, sources, compiler, debugger, and documentation).Here is a list of the software that can be used to make LEM: TinyLogin: TinyLogin is a suite of tiny UNIX utilities for handling logging into, being authenticated by, changing one's password for, and otherwise maintaining users and groups on an embedded system.It also provides shadow password support to enhance system security.TinyLogin is, as the name implies, very small, and makes an excellent complement to BusyBox on an embedded System.BusyBox: BusyBox is a multicall binary used to provide a minimal subset of POSIX-style commands and specialized functions.It is geared toward the very small, such as boot floppies, embedded systems, etc.Specifically it is used in the Debian Rescue/Install system(which inspired development on the original BusyBox), the Linux Routeur Project, LEM, lineo, and others.Busybox is being maintained by Erik Andersen.Ash: Ash is a very small Bourne shell.Sysvinit: Sysvinit is the most used init package for Linux.We will use init and the C version of the start-stop-daemon.See the Resources section for more information on these items.Seven.Creating a bootdisk A bootdisk is basically a miniature, self-contained Linux system on a floppy diskette.It can perform many of the same functions that a complete full-size Linux system performs.The following material is based on the Bootdisk-HOWTO(see Resources).Step 1.Bios

       All PC systems start the boot process by executing code in ROM(specifically, the BIOS)to load the sector from sector 0, cylinder 0 of the boot drive.The boot drive is usually the

       first floppy drive(designated A: in DOS and /dev/fd0 in Linux).The BIOS then tries to execute this sector.On most bootable disks, sector 0, cylinder 0 contains either:

        Code from a boot loader such as LILO, which locates the kernel, loads it, and The start of an operating system kernel, such as Linux executes it to start the boot proper


       If a Linux kernel has been raw copied to a diskette, a hard drive, or another media, the first sector of the disk will be the first sector of the Linux kernel itself.This first sector will continue the boot process by loading the rest of the kernel from the boot device.Step 2.The boot loader

       You will use a boot loader like LILO to operate the boot process.It allows the development and production platforms to co-exist on the same hardware and permits switching from one to the other just by rebooting.The LILO boot loader is loaded by the bios.It then loads kernels or the boot sectors of other operating systems.It also provides a simple command line interface to interactively select the item to boot with its options.See Resources for more information on LILO.Step 3.The kernel

       The kernel checks the hardware and mounts the root device and then looks for the init program on the root filesystem and executes it.Step 4.Init Init is the parent of all other processes that will run on your Linux OS.It will watch its child processes and start, stop, re-launch them if needed.Init takes all information from /etc/inittab.Step 5.Inittab The file /etc/inittab/ refers to scripts named /etc/rc...to do the system setup.It also has entries for the getty tool to handle the login process.Step 6.The login process

       There is one getty available in the inittab file for each console allowed for the users.Getty will launch /bin/login to verify the user password.Step 7.Creating a new partition

       From the LFS-HOWTO(see Resources): Before we can build our new Linux system, we need to have an empty Linux partition on which we can build our new system.If you already have a Linux Native partition available, you can skip this step and the following one.Start the fdisk program(or cfdisk if you prefer that program)with the appropriate hard disk as the option(like /dev/hda if you want to create a new partition on the primary

       master IDE disk).Create a Linux Native partition, write the partition table, and exit the(c)fdisk program.If you get the message that you need to reboot your system to ensure that the partition table is updated, then please reboot your system now before continuing.Step 8.Creating an ext2 file system on the new partition

       From the LFS-HOWTO(see Resources): To create a new ext2 file system we use the mke2fs command.Give $LFS as the only option, and the file system will be created.From now on I'll refer to this newly created partition as $EMBPART.$EMBPART should be substituted with the partition you have created.Step 9.Mounting the partition

       To access the newly created filesystem, you have to mount it.To do this, create an /mnt/hda? directory and type the following at the shell prompt:

       mkdir /mnt/hda? mount $EMBPART /mnt/hda? If you created your partition on /dev/hda4 and you mounted it on /mnt/hda4, then you'll need to return to the step where you copied a file to $dollar;EMBPART/usr/sbin, and copy that file to /mnt/hda4/usr/bin.Do this after the last command in Step 14(Copy the file in $EMBPART/usr/sbin).Step 10.Populating the filesystem

       The root filesystem must contain everything needed to support a full Linux system.We will build a directory structure not that far from the File Hierarchy Standard(see Resources).Step 11.Directories The mkdir function in the new mounted filesystem creates the following directories: /proc

       Directory stub required by the proc filesystem /etc :System configuration file /sbin :Critical System binaries

       /bin :Basic binaries considered part of the system /lib :Shared Libraries to provide run-time support /mnt :Mount point for maintenance /usr :Additional utilities and applications

          

       cd /mnt/hda?

       mkdir bin dev home proc sbin usr boot etc liv mnt root tmp var mkdir-p usr/bin usr/sbin usr/share usr/lib mkdir-p etc/config etc/default etc/init.d etc/rc.boot

        mkdir-p etc/rc0.d etc/rc1.d etc/rc2.d etc/rc3.d etc/rc4.d etc/rc5.d etc/rc6.d etc/rcS.d

       /dev :The dev directory is the stub required to perform devices input / output.Each file in this directory may be created using the mknod function.You may save time by directly copying the required dev entries from your desktop Linux, using the following instruction: cp-dpR /dev /mnt Eight.Installing TinyLogin and login dependencies TinyLogin(see the Resources section to install it)will give us the following tools in less than 35Kb:

       /bin/addgroup, /bin/adduser, /bin/delgroup, /bin/deluser, /bin/login, /bin/su, /sbin/getty, /sbin/sulogin, /usr/bin/passwd.Please refer to your main distribution doc or man pages for a full description of those commands.Step 12.Configuring TinyLogin

       From the TinyLogin README: TinyLogin is modularized to help you build only the components you need, thereby reducing binary size.To turn off unwanted TinyLogin components, simply edit the file tinylogin.def.h and comment out the parts you do not want using C style(//)comments.Step 13.Installing TinyLogin After the build is complete, a tinylogin.links file is generated, which is then used by make install to create symlinks to the tinylogin binary for all compiled-in functions.By default, make install will place a symlink forest into pwd /_install unless you have defined the PREFIX environment variable.Step 14.Installing Sysvinit and start-stop daemon

       After the kernel is done loading, it tries to run the init program to finalize the boot process.Now: 1.Unpack the Sysvinit archive 2.Go to the src directory

       3.Copy the init executable in $EMBPART/sbin

       The Sysvinit package also offers a C version of the start-stop-daemon in the contrib directory.1.Compile it

       2.Copy the file in $EMBPART/usr/sbin Step 15.Configuring Sysvinit

       Sysvinit needs a configuration file named inittab, which should be placed in $EMBPART/etc.Here is the one used in the LEM distribution: # /etc/inittab: init(8)configuration.# $Id: inittab,v 1.6 1997/01/30 15:03:55 miquels Exp $ # Modified for LEM 2/99 by Sebastien HUET # default rl.id:2:initdefault: # first except in emergency(-b)mode.si::sysinit:/etc/init.d/rcS # single-user mode.~~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin # /etc/init.d executes the S and K scripts upon change # 0:halt 1:single-user 2-5:multi-user(5 may be X with xdm or other)6:reboot.l0:0:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 0 l1:1:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 1 l2:2:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 2 l3:3:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 3 l4:4:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 4 l5:5:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 5 l6:6:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 6 # CTRL-ALT-DEL pressed.ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown-t1-r now # Action on special keypress(ALT-UpArrow).kb::kbrequest:/bin/echo “Keyboard Request--edit /etc/inittab to let this work.” # /sbin/mingetty invocations for runlevels.1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 9600 tty1 2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 9600 tty2 #3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty tty3 #you may add console there #4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty tty4 Step 16.Creating initial boot scripts

       As seen in the inittab file, Sysvinit needs additional scripts in its own directories.Step 17.Creating the necessary directories and base files

       Use the following command to create the directories: cd $EMBPART/etc mkdir rc0.d rc1.d rc2.d rc3.d rc4.d rc5.d rc6.d init.d rcS.d rc.boot Go to the unpacked Sysvinit source directory Copy the debian/etc/init.d/rc to:$EMBART/etc/init.d Go to the $EMBPART/etc/init.d/ Create a new file rcS like those in LEM: #!/bin/sh PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin runlevel=S prevlevel=N umask 022 export PATH runlevel prevlevel /etc/default/rcS export VERBOSE # Trap CTRL-C only in this shell so we can interrupt subprocesses.trap “:” 2 3 20 # Call all parts in order.for i in /etc/rcS.d/S??* do

       [!-f “$i” ] && continue

       case “$i” in


       (trap-2 3 20

       .$i start)



       $i start


       esac done # run the files in /etc/rc.boot [-d /etc/rc.boot ] && run-parts /etc/rc.boot

       Copy run-parts from your distro to $EMBPART/bin.Step 18.Adding base scripts

       A lot of the commands being used here are UNIX/Linux commands that set, export, etc.paths that are embedded inside of a UNIX shell script. Create a new file reboot containing the following: #!/bin/sh PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin echo-n “Rebooting...” reboot-d-f-i Create a new file halt containing the following: #!/bin/sh PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin halt-d-f-i-p

       Nine.Summary The Linux operating system has a very bright future in the area of embedded applications for anything from Internet appliances to dedicated control systems.Roughly 95% of all newly manufactured microcomputer chips are used for embedded applications.The power, reliability, flexibility, and scalability of Linux, combined with its support for a multitude of microprocessor architectures, hardware devices, graphics support, and communications protocols have established Linux as an increasingly popular software platform for a vast array of projects and products.Because Linux is openly and freely available in source form, many variations and configurations of Linux and its supporting software components have evolved to meet the diverse needs of the markets and applications to which Linux is being adapted.There are small footprint versions and real-time enhanced versions.Despite the origins of Linux as a PC architecture operating system, there are now ports to numerous non-x86 CPUs, with and without memory management units, including PowerPC, ARM, MIPS, 68K, and even microcontrollers.But look out, there's more coming in the near future for many other Information Technology(IT)domains!