

       The Monkey and the Moon

       One day, a little monkey is playing by the well.He looks in the well and shouts:“Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!”

       An older monkey runs over, take a look and says, “Goodness me!The moon is in the water!”

       A group of monkeys run over to the well.They look at the moon in the well and shout: “The moon is really in the well!Come on!Let's get it out!”

       Then, the oldest monkey hangs on the tree upside down.He pulls the next monkey's feet with his hands, and all the other monkeys follow him.Just before they reach the moon, the oldest monkey happens to see the moon in the sky.He yells, “Don't be so foolish!The moon is still in the sky!”


       The Monkey and the Moon One day, a little monkey is playing by the well.He looks in the well and shouts:“Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!” An older monkey runs over, take a look and says, “Goodness me!The moon is in the water!”

       A group of monkeys run over to the well.They look at the moon in the well and shout: “The moon is really in the well!Come on!Let's get it out!”

       Then, the oldest monkey hangs on the tree upside down.He pulls the next monkey's feet with his hands, and all the other monkeys follow him.Just before they reach the moon, the oldest monkey happens to see the moon in the sky.He yells, “Don't be so foolish!The moon is still in the sky!”












       故事的内容是:“从前一座山上 住着一群小猴子,一天晚上 月亮圆圆的挂在天空,一只小猴子突然发现水井里 有一个

       圆圆的月亮 的 影子,那只小猴子以为是真的月亮失进了井里,就大叫 :“ 欠好了!欠好了!月 亮 失进井 里了!”一只老猴子听到了赶快跑过来 一看,也大叫: “ 欠好了!欠好了!月亮失进井里了!猴子捞月亮的读后感”猴子们全都出来了,想尽 各种办法想把月亮捞上来,可是都没成功,当它们累的筋疲力尽 躺在树上 休息时,突然发现 月亮就挂在天上,这时候猴子们才名顿开地笑起来。


















       Monkeys’ Attempt to Catch the Moon

       Once upon a time, there were a group of monkeys living happily in the forest.They chased each other for fun everyday, ate the sweet wild berries and bananas and drank the fresh water from the fountain.One day when they played on the hill, the leader of the group saw the bright full moon in the sky.“Isn’t it perfectly beautiful?” he exclaimed, with a fine gush of enthusiasm.With the thought of picking it up and owned it, he called his fellows:”Hey, hey, hey, look at that beautiful thing, let’s get it down.My fellows, come on”.Then he ran up towards the top of the hill.Hearing this order, all the monkeys followed him to the hilltop.They stacked themselves up swiftly, and soon there was a ladder made out of monkeys leading to the sky.The youngest one climbed up to get the moon.Slowly he climbed as on thin ice, the “monkey ladder” swayed slightly to every step of his.Finally, they were disintegrated as all of them lost their balance and fell off from the hilltop.Some rolled to the meadow, some got caught by the branches of the tree, while some rolled to the fountain.Everyone was disappointed at the failure of getting the moon down.Suddenly, two baby monkeys cried out excitedly.“MOON, MOON!There is another one in the water!”

       Everyone was cheered up again at this news.They all gathered around to see the moon--the shadow of it on the surface of the fountain.“Let’s get it for our respectful leader!” Someone cried.“WOO...WOO...” Others agreed.But there was a difficulty in front of them.The surface of the fountain was impossible to reach as there was a high cliff.Finally they came up with a good idea.They held the other’s tail one after another to make themselves a rope, then down to the fountain.That youngest monkey got the mission to be the one to get the moon with a water ladle.The youngest monkey started to climb down to the fountain.At this time, everyone held their breath for fear that they should scared the youngest monkey.The youngest monkey moved slowly and cautiously to reach the surface.Several minutes later, he finally got to the tip of the “rope”.Raised the water ladle, he began to take the moon out.Everyone gazed at him nervously.As he dipped the ladle into the water, strange thing happened.The moon was broken.Then it came into the ladle.Everyone gave a sigh of relief.Then they got to the cliff.The youngest monkey held the ladle when everyone wanted to have a full look at it.They struggled to pushing each other to get to the front.As a result of this, the water in the ladle spilled out, and the moon naturally has gone.Everyone looked at each other angrily, and then at last they found the moon in the sky still, shining and bright.